Friday, August 24, 2012

Change of pace

I know it has been a couple of weeks since I updated this here blog, and I can assure you there have been reasons. Some of them have been "good" reasons, and some of them have been simply reasons.

My work has been much more hectic over the last two weeks, which wasn't unexpected, but even with preparation, the huge uptick in time commitments and energy expended has taken a lot out of me. This week, I have also been battling an illness (nothing too serious, but enough to put me off my schedule as well).

With the increased workload, along came old habits of procrastination and lack of focus. One thing that has been different this time around is my response. Whereas before recovery, I would have been prone to just allow those habits to take over, and ride along the waves of events to places that weren't healthy, this time, I have noticed the changes and attempted corrective action.

Sometimes this has worked, and sometimes it is still a work in progress.

One thing I am trying to do to maintain my life balance is maintain my personal time and some of the boundaries I worked on this summer. I have been somewhat successful with this. My email inbox is not on "0", but it's in single digits most days. I'm more organized than I have been, and I'm trying to maintain a sense of accomplishment with what I can get done each day.

This time hasn't featured any blinding insights to make the process easier. It has just been more grinding it out, as the saying goes. Sometimes, that's the way life goes - we have to grind it out. It's still early in this particular phase at work, so I'll see how this strategy works over the next few weeks and update as things progress.

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