Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Milestone 2

(well, this post was supposed to self-publish 7 days ago! ha! I'm posting it now just for "posterity")

Today is 60 days for me. One of the things people talk about some in recovery is getting over "counting days." I admit I have been counting the days so far.

I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't want to count days. I don't think I'll be counting days forever, either.

Right now, I feel much more confident in myself than I did 30 days ago, and a LOT more confident than I did 60 days ago. But I am also keenly aware that if I don't maintain vigilance, I'll slip back into bad habits and destroy all the good things that have been happening lately.

So today, it's 60 days. I'm not going to do a celebratory end zone dance (analogy from American football), because I've only moved the ball for a few yards. But it does do one good to acknowledge that the ball is moving toward the goal instead of away from it.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Eggy! I know how much effort you've been putting into this and be damn proud of your work. No, I wouldn't suggest an end-zone dance, but you deserve a few smiles.

    Good stuff!
